7 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Mercury Fillings.

Midwest BioHealth-7 Reasons To Avoid Mercury Fillings

Mercury (Hg) Fillings Are Unattractive.

Upon initial installation, holistic dentists refer to Mercury fillings as silver band-aids on your teeth. A new mercury amalgam is very shiny. However, they get worn and oxidized over time and after years of use. As time passes, the filling turns color, from anything ranging from a dirty silver to very dark. It is common after removing the Mercury from the tooth; the surface of the filling and tooth is black, caused by oxidization and germs.

The EPA labels Mercury a hazardous material in every application except for dental.

It is simply amazing that the Environmental Protection Agency considers a Mercury a hazardous material during the mixing process and in every other application until installed in your teeth, where it is considered "safe". At Midwest BioHealth, our practice is set up to handle the disposal of Mercury fillings in a safe manner that protects our staff and our patients.

Mercury fillings kill bacteria.

Mercury has been used in medicine for hundreds of years. Decades ago, Mercurochrome was used to prevent cuts and abrasions from getting infected. Unfortunately, since Mercury fillings leak over time, they have the same effect in your mouth, upsetting the natural balance of the healthy bacteria we need to fight cavities and causing a whole host of health-related issues.

Mercury fillings grow over time, causing the host tooth to break.

Filling expansion when using Mercury is widely known in the dental field and our teeth, for the most part, are fixed objects. As the Mercury expands, it causes tiny cracks in our teeth to relieve the pressure from the expansion of the material, ultimately compromising the tooth and causing further problems.

Mercury fillings are constantly releasing a vapor.

The released vapor affects your mouth and your nose, and eating acidic foods accelerates this process. Therefore, if the Mercury is toxic, the released vapor is just as harmful.

Mercury causes oral galvanism or a battery effect.

It simply means that different metals from your fillings or crowns are continuously exposed to a salt solution [saliva or blood]; the result is a flow of charged particles or current occurring in your mouth.

Mercury causes brain changes.

"Neurofibrillary tangles" (essentially, warped fibers) are consistent with Alzheimer's, and the only known substance to cause this is Mercury. Maybe you have heard of "Mad Hatters Disease"? Mad hatter disease is a form of chronic mercury poisoning. Depending on exposure, it can cause symptoms like vomiting, skin rashes, tremors, twitching, and excitability. The condition is called "mad hatter disease" because it commonly affected hat makers in the 18th to 20th centuries. Amazingly, it's hard to believe Mercury is still being used in any application related to human exposure.


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