What is Holistic Dentistry

Midwest Biohealth-What is Holistic Dentistry

It is not new to discover a patient who refuses to use fluoride toothpaste.

For years, the use of fluoride has been the cornerstone traditional dentistry. Our job as dentists is to promote the best oral health and hygiene practices for our patients. The popularity of holistic dentistry over the recent years has brought awareness to the oral and body connection. 

What is holistic dentistry?

Holistic dentistry is also termed biological dentistry or alternative dentistry. A foundation of belief that there is a link between oral health and whole body wellness. Evidence shows that conditions including periodontitis has associations with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Some of the cornerstone ideologies of holistic dentistry include the use of only non-metal dental materials. It also includes the avoidance of some dental treatments like root canals and may entail the use of adjunct therapies including nutritional education and proper exercise. 

Dental materials

Following the Minimata convention in 2013, traditional dentistry is phasing out the use of amalgam primarily due to environmental impacts.  Holistic dentistry avoids the use of amalgam due to concerns surrounding toxicity to the body opting for ceramic and ozone therapy, porcelain and biocompatible materials.

Many holistic dentists will remove amalgams following strict procedures and guidelines that include the use of a rubber dam, high volume ejection tips, air purification systems and nasal hoods. Here at Midwest BioHealth we take every precaution to protect our patients during the removal process. 

Holistic Dentists may also ask amalgam sensitive patients to utilize an organic diet, eliminate caffeine, fish, sugar, dairy products and refrain from smoking prior to the amalgam replacement. This is encouraged to try and eliminate mercury trapped in the patients body.

BPA free

Holistic dentistry encourages the use of composites as a direct restorative material. The composite used, however, is often required to be bisphenol A (BPA) free.

Dental treatments

Root canal treatments have recently been subject to a lot of negative media. Holistic Dentistry practices avoiding root canal treatments. This is due to the fact that even tho great lengths are taken to disinfect the canals, bacteria and toxins remain in the dentinal tubules and tend to seep into the body.  

It's also a concern that multiple extractions can result in emotional stress and problems with occlusion thus working against the entire premise of the mind, body and oral unity.  

At Midwest BioHealth we take great lengths to talk with each patient to learn more about their beliefs and how they live outside the dental office. We feel this is key to providing the best care and treatment to living a holistic lifestyle that starts with solid oral health. 


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