How Nasal Breathing Can Improve Your Oral Health

Midwest BioHealth-Nasal Breathing For Oral Health


Holistic dentistry is an approach to oral health that considers the mouth part of the body and not just an isolated entity. This approach looks at the overall health of the individual and how oral health can be improved by taking into account all aspects of health – physical, mental, and emotional.

One of the most important aspects of holistic dentistry is exercise. Exercise has been shown to improve overall health, including oral health, regardless of age, and one of the best exercises for oral health is nasal breathing. Although you may not consider practicing nasal breathing as an exercise like running, you should.  

Nasal breathing has many benefits for oral health. First, it increases saliva production, which helps to cleanse the mouth and remove harmful bacteria. It also helps to reduce stress, which can harm oral health. Nasal breathing also supports the production of Nitric Oxide in your nose. When you breathe through your nose, you inhale it and receive its benefits: nitric oxide kills viruses (covid or common cold virus), and bacteria also open up blood vessels imposing circulation. 

And finally, nasal breathing helps to improve the oxygenation of the blood, which is essential for good oral health.

The Connection Between Nasal Breathing and Oral Health

Nasal breathing is a critical activity for maintaining oral health. When you breathe through your nose, the air you inhale enters your nasal cavity, travels through the sinuses, and then down your airway. The air is warmed and humidified as it passes through the sinuses, which helps to keep the mouth moist and reduce dryness. Much different than mouth breathing. In addition, the air is also filtered as it passes through the sinuses. This helps to remove tiny particles that can irritate the gums and cause inflammation. The filtering also helps to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to dental diseases. Nasal breathing also helps oxygenate the blood, which is essential for a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system is vital to preventing and fighting off gum disease and other oral problems. 

The Benefits of Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing has many benefits for oral health. It promotes saliva production, which helps to keep the mouth moist and cleanse it of bacteria. It also helps to reduce stress, which can be a factor in oral health problems. Stress can suppress the immune system, making the gums and teeth more vulnerable to infection. Nasal breathing also helps to oxygenate the blood, which is necessary for a healthy immune system. This helps to fight off gum disease and other oral conditions. And finally, nasal breathing helps to reduce dryness in the mouth, which can lead to painful and uncomfortable situations, especially during exercise. 

How to Improve Your Nasal Breathing

1. Exercise: Exercise is an excellent way to improve your breathing. Doing regular physical activity strengthens the muscles of your respiratory system, which can make it easier to breathe more deeply. This can help improve your nasal breathing, allowing you to sleep more appropriately.

2. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Relaxation techniques like yoga and Tai Chi can help open your airways and reduce stress. They can also be beneficial for calming the body and improving your overall sleep quality. 

3. Use a Neti Pot: Neti pots are a popular remedy for nasal congestion. They are filled with saline to flush out the nasal passages and help reduce inflammation. This can help open the airways, improving your nasal breathing and allowing you to get a more restful sleep.

4. Lip tape. - this Will assure you that you are nasal breathing. This tip has helped me and many of my patients that have applied it to have better quality sleep, wake up more rested, and have more energy. I have lip taped for years, and the additional benefits I have noticed are a significant reduction in seasonal allergy symptoms and a disappearance of my asthma symptoms.


Nasal breathing is integral to holistic dentistry and can significantly benefit oral health. It helps to reduce dryness in the mouth, increase saliva production, reduce stress, and oxygenate the blood. It is also an easy and accessible way to improve your oral health. Try using a neti pot and practicing mindful breathing to get the most out of nasal breathing. A book that I have enjoyed and quotes many of my mentors is Breath by James Nestor


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