Navigating the Hazards of Anti-Nutrients and Toxicity in a Typical Diet
Grains are packed with anti-nutrients like enzyme inhibitors and lectins, designed to safeguard the grain's life cycle and ward off predators. Consuming improperly prepared grains can result in mild toxicity, often seen as excess abdominal fat.
Who is Weston Price? A Pioneer in the Field of Nutrition
Dr. Johnson has spoken in public about Weston Price earlier in his career, and as a patient, you may have had conversations with him about the importance of nutrition in oral health. This article delves deeper into Dr. Price’s passion for nutrition and how it relates to overall health.
Lasers in Holistic Dentistry: A More Conservative and Less Invasive Approach
In the world of holistic dentistry, a new star is rising - lasers. These advanced tools are revolutionizing dental care by offering a more conservative and less invasive approach. Let's explore the advantages of lasers over traditional methods and discover how they are transforming the field of holistic dentistry.
The Power of Biological Dentistry: Addressing Chronic Systemic Diseases Through Holistic Care
s modern medicine continues to advance, many patients are opting for alternative forms of treatment to achieve optimal health. One such approach is "biological dental medicine," which takes into account the complex interactions between the human body and the oral cavity.
Mama Bears Guide to Mewing: Nurturing Children's Orthodontic Health
Mewing is a new orthodontic technique that involves placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth to improve the shape and alignment of the face and jawline.
Common myths debunked about holistic dentistry.
According to the European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, excellent scientific evidence is associated with the therapies used in holistic dentistry.
Mama Bears: Why Nasal Breathing is Important for Toddlers and Young Children
Breathing through the nose is essential for toddlers and young children.
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art is a 2020 book by science journalist James Nestor. The book explores the history, science, and culture of breathing and its impacts on human health.
The Future of Stem Cell Therapy in Dentistry: Potential Applications and Prospects
Stem cell therapy has been a hot topic in the field of medicine for quite some time now. It is a promising field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we treat various diseases and injuries.
How To Do A Cold Plunge The Wim Hof Way
The Wim Hof Method is a specific way of doing a cold plunge with many benefits, including increased energy levels, better circulation, and improved mental clarity.